Health & Wellness Ministries

Health Is Our Wealth!

Maranatha Health & Wellness Ministries is built on the counsel of the eight laws of health introduced by health reformer, Ellen G. White. These laws are acronymed NEW START which is unpacked as N-Nutrition, E-Exercise, W-Water, S-Sunshine, T-Temperance (moderation and abstinence), A-Air, R-Rest, and T-Trust. The goal of Maranatha's Health and Wellness Ministries is to continue to inform and provide resources and solutions on health topics to fulfill God's desire for us to prosper and be in good HEALTH!



"The subject of REST is one that requires our utmost attention. REST addresses our physical, mental, emotional, academic, psychological, financial, social, and spiritual well-being. Could that be the reason our Creator placed this basic need in the center of HIS moral law? Do your due diligence and go to the web page for Health & Wellness for critical information on REST."

In order to calm the culprit of stress, nature has provided a natural medicinal herb called Ashwagandha. Ashwagandha was made for stress relief. It has been used for centuries, and more recently as a stress reliever. Not only does it alleviate stress and anxiety, but it also increases physical and mental health. Ashwagandha relieves stress by clearing anxiety thereby removing the threat of insomnia. Therefore, deep sleep happens and healing rest is accomplished.

Why is Rest Important for the Soul?
Rest is vital to our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
The Bible emphasizes the importance of rest throughout its pages. Psalm 62:1says, " Truly my soul finds rest in God, my salvation comes from Him". This verse
reminds us that true rest comes from our relationship with God.

Health Ministry2023


Rest reduces stress, gives you the opportunity to be more active, works against the many detriments of a sedentary lifestyle, and boost your immune system. Also, rest improves sleep quality and studies have shown it can add years to your life.

REST, and the quality of it, is essential to our physical and mental health. To achieve proper rest sleep has to be high in quality. To obtain high quality sleep stress must be relieved.If stress is not relieved, the anxiety that brings insomnia will set in and sleep will be lost. When you lose sleep you lose the drivenecessary to engage in daily activities. A good night's sleep fosters the rest that makes the difference between a good day and ruined one.

Choose an early reasonable bedtime. Set an alarm if necessary to prepare
for the bedtime you choose. If you get 2-3 hours of sleep before 12midnight, It will equal 4-6 hours in rest concentration. So choose your bedtime wisely.

Role of Rest in Healing
Sleep helps with recovery by reducing levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol breaks down tissues in the body for energy, which is the opposite of what growth hormones do. So, by lowering cortisol levels, sleep allows growth hormones to more effectively rebuild injured tissues.


Sunlight has many benefits for our health. To name a few, it kills
bacteria, reduces high blood pressure, regulates the Immune System,
strengthens bones, improves sleep quality, boosts mood, and heals diseases.


 Here are 3 benefits of moderate sun
exposure (1) (2)
(3) Normalizes blood pressure; The sun's rays significantly lower blood
pressure in individuals who suffer from hypertension.

We will discuss the  other 7 benefits in the coming weeks as we continue
our focus on the benefits of sunlight to our health.
We have become a generation deficient in vitamin D, which is pivotal to bone health, and the immune system.

It improves skin condition; beneficial effects on psoriasis, acne, eczema, and fungal infections of the skin.
Sunlight builds our immune system; One type of white blood cell known as T-lymphocytes, which are boosted by both blue light and UVA light. T-lymphocytes direct our body's immune response to infectious microorganisms and other foreign substances as little as 5-10 minutes of sun is all it takes to boost immune cell activity.
Normalizes blood pressure; The sun's rays significantly lower blood pressure in individuals who suffer from hypertension.


There are 9 types of water you can drink: Tap, Mineral, Spring/Glacier,
Sparkling, Distilled, Purified, Flavored/Infused, Alkaline, and Well.
These water products are thoroughly researched and evaluated for safety
and efficacy standards by the manufacturers.

TAP WATER- is safe to drink across much of the United States and it is cheaper than buying bottled water. However, while there are industry regulations in place that are meant to keep lead and other harmful substances out, it sometimes doesn't work. Ex; Flint Michigan. Sometimes plastic particles and
pesticide residue have been found in the water supply around the world.

MINERAL WATER-pulled from a mineral spring, is full of minerals, including sulfur, magnesium and calcium that are good for you. Mineral water provides
minerals your body can't produce on its own and it helps digestion too. The biggest downside to this water type is the cost.

SPRING/GLACIER WATER-has many of the same properties of mineral water clean and free of toxins.However. it can get pricey, and sometimes may be raw and unfiltered, which can pose health risks.

MINERAL WATER-pulled from a mineral spring, is full of minerals, including sulfur, magnesium and calcium that are good for you. Mineral water provides
minerals your body can't produce on its own and it helps digestion too. The biggest downside to this water type is the cost.

SPRING/GLACIER WATER-has many of the same properties of mineral water clean and free of toxins.However. it can get pricey, and sometimes may be raw and unfiltered, which can pose health risks.

PURIFIED WATER-is tap water or groundwater that has been treated to remove harmful substances like bacteria, fungi, and parasites.It is pretty much guaranteed to be safe. Basically, like tap water. Because potentially harmful substances are removed. Also, installing a purification system can be costly.

FLAVORED?INFUSED WATER-is water that is sweetened with either sugar or artificial sweeteners and contains natural or artificial flavorings. This water type can offer a tasty alternative to plain water which would make it easier to drink in larger amounts for those needing to increase water intake. Fruits and Vegetables can be infused or you can purchase flavors in most stores. However, flavored waters contain added sugar or artificial sweeteners which can lead to weight gain and have a negative effect on those with diabetes. And some people react nega-
tively to artificial sweeteners.

ALKALINE WATER-has a higher pH level than tap water and contains alkaline minerals and negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP). The higher pH level of this water has led some to believe it may help to neutralize acid in the body, slow the aging process, and prevent cancer. There is only a little scientific proof of this. It is generally safe to drink but could lower stomach acidity thereby reducing its ability
to kill harmful bacteria. Excess use could lead to metabolic alkalosis which could produce nausea and vomiting symptoms.

WELL WATER-comes straight from the ground untreated and carries a number of risks. Fresh water can be attractive and there are many proponents of raw un-treated water but the risks may outweigh the benefits. However, you can take precautions by testing annually for bacteria, nitrates, and pH levels and possibly install a filtration system. Because the water hasn't been treated there's a big chance of contamination especially from bacteria and parasites causing infections like giardia. Well water used to be the norm. Now city water supplies have rules and regulations in place to avoid contamination and disease from our water supply."

The Veganist 

The world renown Heart Specialist is: Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn: CE.The Author of a best selling Health Book is Kathy Freston: KF
The following is an excerpt from an interview by a New York Times
Author of a best selling Health book, The Veganist by Kathy Freston.
Question KF: What is heart disease?
Answer: CE: It is the leading killer of men and women in the Western
                     civilization.It's a build up of blockage made of fat, choles
                     terol, calcium, and inflammatory cells. When the blockag
                     e is complete, the part of the heart fed by that artery is in
                     jured or dies. This is a Heart Attack.
               KF: Who develops Heart Disease?
               CE: Anyone eating a typical western diet.
               KF: What is the cause of Heart Disease?
               CE: It is the typical western diet of processed
                      oil, dairy, and meat which destroy the our life jacket of
                      our blood vessels-endothelial cells-the one cell thick
                      lining of all our blood vessels. Endothelial cells produce
                      a protective gas called nitric oxide, which protects our
                      blood vessels. It dilates our vessels, keeps blood flow-
                      ing smoothly, and prevents plaque and inflammation.
                KF: With such natural protection, why do we develop heart
                CE: Every meal of processed vegetable oils, dairy products
                       and meat(including chicken and fish)injures these endo
                       thelial cells. as these damaging products are consum
                      ed throughout individual's lives, they have fewer func
                      tioning endothelial cells remaining and less protective
                      nitric oxide. Without the nitric oxide the blockages build up
                      and cause heart disease and strokes.
Interview excerpt from the Veganist by Kathy Freston

Vegan Holiday Dessert 


 I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

1. Vitamin C w/bioflavinoids(up to 1k mg)
2. Zinc
3. Elderberries (various forms)
4. Iron
5.Vitamin D3+K2 (Consult your physician for units)
6. Colloidal Silver( aids infection)
7. Oregano Oil P-73
8. Mushrooms(Shitake, Maitake, Stamets-7, Reishei, Chaga, and all host defense collection for immune strengthening and protection)




2 cans or 2 1/2 pounds of cooked chickpeas
1/4 cup of sweet pickle relish ( more if desired)
1/4 - 1/2 cup of chopped red onions
1/8 - 3/4 tsp black salt
3/4 cup of plant based mayo(Follow Your Heart, Vegenaise, etc.)
A touch of mustard for color
Dash of smoked paprika for garnish

Drain canned or cooked chickpeas and cool. Place in a bowl and
mash or mix with small mixer until smooth or desired texture
Add all other ingredients and stir together. Add more of any
ingredient to suit your taste. Serve on white Portabella
mushrooms cut in half for the egg white bed substitute.
Note: Black salt can be found at Asian markets, gives the egg taste.

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